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> 武汉华世传承科技有限公司详情
  • 武汉华世传承科技有限公司的公司简介
    •     武汉华世传承科技有限公司位处武汉观光旅游胜地-东湖之畔,中国光谷-东湖高新技术开发区的中心位置,光谷鲁巷,环境优雅,交通便利。华世传承集国际进出口贸易,生产制造研发,外贸企业岗前实训交流等多元化为一体的股份制多元化企业。旗下电子电器工厂,节日礼品类工厂立足于。中国-浙江.旗下传承外贸进出口,以及传承外贸实训由武汉光谷总部整体运营。华世传承,深传儒家之精髓,融入中华优良传统之美德,传承的精神,巍巍中华浩瀚无边。 “传承外贸”逐步蔓延, 传承人已经遍迹 武汉、浙江、上海、深圳、福建、香港等潜力城市,传承外贸国际展会已走出国门遍迹俄罗斯迪拜芝加哥等国际展你会见到传承外贸人的身影,力求推动中国国际贸易进出口,外贸文化技能实训产业不懈努力。
          本公司出口电子电器、机械、工艺品、万圣节圣诞节等国外舞会小商品礼品等多元化出口企业, 其产品远销美国、法国、德国、以色列、保加利亚、多米尼亚、韩国等欧洲中东发达国家。出口额大幅增长,企业服务已完成了从以产品为中心到以客户为中心的服务理念的转变。
      (本司外贸出口部官网:www.hscc99.com.cn      http://www.aliexpress.com/store/******)

              旗下外贸实战培训,依托传承国际出口中心独特的实战优势,作为华中地区最专业的外贸就业实训品牌, 受到全国外贸出口企业同行的普遍关注认可,实训学员工作地点遍布武汉三镇和沿海地带,是华中地区唯一一家集外贸进出口,外贸产品生产制造,外贸企业实战操作培训为一体的多元化外贸品牌企业。传承外贸为外贸进出口企业定向培养定点输送大量高素质实战型外贸人才,创造全新的独立无二的实战实训,改变传统培训课堂模式,受到外界普遍关注,作为全国300多家外贸企业外贸人才定点合作招聘机构,传承实训以全面冲出华中地区 ,面对全国.让更多的喜欢外贸的学子进入外贸企业。带领他们展翅翱翔。
      (本司外贸岗前实训官网:www.027waimao.com  http://wuhantrade.co.bokee.net/ )

      Wuhan Huashi Chuancheng Technical Co., Ltd is located on the bank of Donghu, one of tourist attractions in Wuhan, in the centre of Chinese Optical Valley- Donghu New and Hi-tech Development Zone as well as in Luxiang of Optical Valley with beautiful environment and convenient transportation. It is a high science & technology joint-stock enterprise engaged in international export trade, manufacturing and research and development, and practical training for foreign trade enterprises. Its subordinate electronics factory has taken hold in Dongfeng Industrial Park in Liushi of Wenzhou City-the head of Chinese electrical appliances. Its other trades such as export & import and practical training for foreign trade enterprises are managed by headquarter in Optical Valley of Wuhan. The company inherits the essence of Confucianism and traditional Chinese virtues, which represents our Great China and has immense influences. Chuancheng foreign trade is gradually spreading at home and abroad, and workers of Chuancheng have been in these potential cities: Wuhan, Zhenjiang, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Fujian, Hong Kong, etc., and the international exhibitions of Chuancheng’s foreign trade have also gone abroad and also taken part in the exhibitions of Russia, Dubai and Chicago in order to promote Chinese foreign trade. At the meantime, foreign trade cultural and technical training is also greatly devoted to.
      The company’s exported products include electrical appliances, machines, craftworks, small commodities, food and clothes etc., which are sold in America, France, Germany, Israel, Bulgaria, Dominican Republic, South Korea and other European and Middle East developed countries. The amount of the exported is greatly increasing and the service concept of the enterprise has encountered the shift from product-oriented to customer-oriented.
      The company’s practical training transaction for foreign trade enterprises has opened for two years in Wuhan and become increasingly attractive. Now it has become the only local enterprise in Wuhan possessing transactions of exporting, manufacturing and practical training with a comprehensive and strongly launched Chuancheng’s practical training for foreign trade enterprises. During Chuancheng practical foreign trade training you can accumulate the most real foreign trade experiences, for the workers of Chuancheng are to pass their working experience step by step and make sure that you are able to do foreign trade all at once.
      外贸网站www.027waimao.com 外贸频道:www.wuhantrade.co.bokee.net
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